
Music score

Music score
1. Sadko : Opern-Epos in 7 Bildern   accompaniment reduced for keyboard
Nikolai A. Rimski-Korsakow ; Text N.A. Rimski-Korsakow, W.W. Stasow und W.I. Belski ; [Klavierauszüge]
Published: Heilbronn : Musik-Edition Lucie Galland, c2000
Series: Russische Opern des 19. Jahrhundert : zweisprachig: russiche -- deutsch ; Bd. 3
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Richard D. Sylvester
Published: Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2002
Series: Russian music studies
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Music score

Music score
selected and edited by David Fanning ; singing translations by Martin Pickard
Published: London : Peters, c2005
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Askold's grave. Brothers, listen to the story Verstovsky
Ruslan and Lyudmila. Great Perun, a damask sword from you I pray Glinka
The Demon. Your weeping Rubinstein
Prince Igor. No sleep, no rest Borodin
Boris Godunov. My pow'r is absolute Musorgsky
Khovanshchina. Fast asleep the soldiers lie Musorgsky
Yevgeny Onegin. Were I a man like any other Tchaikovsky
Mazeppa. Oh, Maria, Maria! Tchaikovsky
The Enchantress. Her image lingers days and night Tchaikovsky
The queen of spades. Our muscovite venus, the tosat of Versailles Tchaikovsky
The queen of spades. You know my love, my adoration Tchaikovsky
Iolanta. There's none who can equal Matilda the fair! Tchaikovsky
Sadko. With her houses of stone, city-mother of all Rimsky-Korsakow
Aleko. The gypsies sleep Rachmaninoff
Askold's grave. Brothers, listen to the story Verstovsky
Ruslan and Lyudmila. Great Perun, a damask sword from you I pray Glinka
The Demon. Your weeping Rubinstein

Music score

Music score
selected and edited by David Fanning ; singing translations by Alexander Wells
Published: London : Peters, c2005
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Table of Contents: Read more
A life for the Tsar = Une vie pour le tsar = Ein Leben für den Zaren. Truth is dawning = Ils sentent la vérité = Sie spüren die Wahrheit Glinka
Ruslan and Lyudmila = Rouslan et Ludmila = Ruslan und Ljudmila. Soon shall I glory in victory's hour? = L'heure de mon triomphe est proche = Die Stunde meines Triumphs ist nah Glinka
Rusalka = Roussalka. You're all alike = Oh, vous êtes toutes les mêmes, jeunes filles = O, ihr jungen Mädchen seid doch alle gleich Dargomyzhsky
Judith. Gentle concubines of Babylon = Que ces femmes chantent là leurs chants = Lass diese Frauen ihre Lieder singen Serov
Prince Igor = Fürst Igor. Preserve me from the melancholy life = Ce serait un péché de ne rien dire = Verschweigen wäre eine Sünde Borodin
Boris Godunov = Boris Godounov = Boris Godunow. One final page = Juste une dernière histoire = Noch eine letzte Geschichte Musorgsky
Way back when in Kazan = Un jour, dans la ville de Kazan = Es war einmal in der Stadt Kasan Musorgsky
I've scaled the peak of power = J'ai atteint le pouvoir suprême = Ich erlangte höchste Macht Musorgsky
Ah! Mercy! = Je ne respire plus = Ah! Ich kann nicht atmen Musorgsky
Yevgeny Onegin = Eugène Onéguine = Eugen Onegin. Love wields her life-enriching power = Tous les âges sont sujets à l'amour = Jedes Alter ist der Liebe unterworfen Tchaikovsky
Iolanta = Yolanta = Jolanthe. What will he say? = Que dira-t-il = Was wird er sagen? Tchaikovsky
Sadko. Oh grey the cliff confronts the roaring of the ocean = Sur les rochers effrayants = An grausamen Felsen Rimsky-Korsakov
The Tsar's bride = La fiancée du tsar = Die Zarenbraut. She sleeps in peace = Elle s'est endormie = Sie ist eingeschlafen Rimsky-Korsakov
War and peace = Guerrte et paix = Krieg und Frieden. Surrender? = Quand, ah quand = Wann, ach wann Prokofiev
A life for the Tsar = Une vie pour le tsar = Ein Leben für den Zaren. Truth is dawning = Ils sentent la vérité = Sie spüren die Wahrheit Glinka
Ruslan and Lyudmila = Rouslan et Ludmila = Ruslan und Ljudmila. Soon shall I glory in victory's hour? = L'heure de mon triomphe est proche = Die Stunde meines Triumphs ist nah Glinka
Rusalka = Roussalka. You're all alike = Oh, vous êtes toutes les mêmes, jeunes filles = O, ihr jungen Mädchen seid doch alle gleich Dargomyzhsky

Music score

Music score
A. Alyabyev
Published: Москва : Музыка, 2005
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Table of Contents: Read more
Соловей = The nightingale words by A. Delwig
Не говори, любовь пройдет-- = Don't say, the love will pass-- words by A. Delwig
Если жизнь тебя обманет-- = If life deceives you-- words by A. Pushkin
Влюблен я, дева-красота! = I'm in love, o beauty maid! words by N. Yazykov
Я вас любил = I was in love with you words by A. Pushkin
Песнь пастушка = Shepherd's Song words by I. Dmitriev
Вечерком румяну зорю-- = In the evening, at sunset-- words by N. Nikolev
Кудри = Curls words by A. Delwig
Зимняя дорога = Winter road words by A. Pushkin
Вечерний звон = Those evening bells words by I. Kozlov
Два ворона = Two ravens words by A. Pushkin
Иртыш = Irtysh words by I. Wetter
Сладко пел душа соловушко = Dear Nightingale sang so sweetly words by I. Lazhechnikov
Сарафанчик = Sun-dress words by A. Polezhaev
И я выйду ль на крылечко = And I'll go to the porch words by A. Delwig
Русская песня. Выбор жены = Russian song. Choice of Wife words by A. Timofeev
Русская песня. Как за реченькой слободушка стоит = Russian song. There is a suburb across the river words by A. Delwig
Цыганская песня. Старый муж, грозный муж = Gypsy song. Old husband, stern husband-- words by A. Pushkin
Грузинская песня = Georgian song words by L. Yakubovich
Черкесская песня = Circassian Song words by A. Pushkin
Изба = Peasant's Hut words by N. Ogarev
Деревенский сторож = A village watchman words by N. Ogarev
Нищая = The beggar-woman words by D. Lensky
Молитва = Prayer words by N. Yazykov
Соловей = The nightingale words by A. Delwig
Не говори, любовь пройдет-- = Don't say, the love will pass-- words by A. Delwig
Если жизнь тебя обманет-- = If life deceives you-- words by A. Pushkin

Music score

Music score
А. Аренский = A. Arensky
Published: Москва : музыка, 2006
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Весной = In spring : op. 17, no. 2
Разбитая ваза = The broken vase : op. 21, no. 1
Осень = Autumn : op. 27, no. 2
Не зажигай огня! = Do not kindle the fires! : op. 38, no. 3
Летняя ночь = Summer night : op. 44, no. 2
День отошел = The day has gone : op. 44, no. 4
Давно ль под волшебные звуки-- = Long since beneath enchanted sounds-- : op. 48, no. 5
Я ждал тебя = I waited for you : op. 60, no. 2
Нет, даже и тогда-- = No, even then-- : op. 60-II, no. 2
Страницы милые = Dear pages : op. 60-II, no. 3
Сад весь в цвету = The garden is all in bloom : op. 60-II, no. 4
Одна звезда над всеми дышит = One star breathes over all : op. 60-II, no. 5
Лебединая песнь = Swan song : op. 64, no. 1
Горними тихо летела душа небесами = Softly the spirit flew up to heaven : op. 64, no. 3
Я не люблю тебя = I do not love you : op. 64, no. 4
Змей : баллада = The serpent : ballad, op. 64, no. 5
Колыбельная = Lullaby : op. 70, no. 3
Я на тебя гляжу с улыбкой = I look at you with a smile : op. 70, no. 4
Весной = In spring : op. 17, no. 2
Разбитая ваза = The broken vase : op. 21, no. 1
Осень = Autumn : op. 27, no. 2

Music score

Music score
7. Russian operatic arias for soprano   accompaniment reduced for keyboard
selected and edited by David Fanning ; singing translations by Martin Pickard
Published: London : Peters, c2002
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A life for the tsar. Down the river to our village Glinka
Ruslan and Lyudmila. Captive and in dark despair Glinka
Judith. I remember the days of my youth Serov
Prince Igor. Ah! Bitter woe! Borodin
The fair at Sorochintsy. Ah, do not weep my darling Musorgsky
Yevgeny Onegin. I cannot hide my love Tchaikovsky
The enchantress. When your eyes look down from old Nizhny town Tchaikovsky
The enchantress. My beloved where are you? Tchaikovsky
The queen of spades. Sorrow and fear overwhelm me Tchaikovsky
Christmas Eve. Why do so many people praise me? Rimsky-Korsakov
Sadko. Dream walked by the riverside Rimsky-Korsakov
The tsar's bride. In Novgorod we lived not far from Vanya Rimsky-Korsakov
The golden cockerel. All-seeing sun, you rise in glory Rimsky-Korsakov
Francesca da Rimini. Ah, do not weep, my Paolo Rachmaninoff
The Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk district. Look at nature Shostakovich
A life for the tsar. Down the river to our village Glinka
Ruslan and Lyudmila. Captive and in dark despair Glinka
Judith. I remember the days of my youth Serov

Music score

Music score
Александр Даргомыжский = Alexander Dargomyzhsky
Published: Москва : Изд-во 《Музыка》, 2004
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Ночной зефир струит эфир
Я вас любил
В крови горит огонь желанья
Восточный романс
Ты и вы
Шестнадцать лет
И скучно и грустно
Мне грустно
Слышу ли голос твой--
В минуту жизни трудную
Не скажу никому
Расстались гордо мы
Я все еще его люблю!
Мне все равно
Голубые глаза
Русая головка
Не судите, люди добрые
Каюсь, дядя, черт попутал!
Ночной зефир струит эфир
Я вас любил
В крови горит огонь желанья

Music score

Music score
Published: [東京] : Zen-on Music, 2000
Series: Shostakovich complete edition
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Music score

Music score
Shostakovich ; [poem by Evgeni Evtushenko]
Published: [東京] : Zen-on Music, 2000
Series: Shostakovich complete edition
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Music score

Music score
11. Russian operatic arias for mezzo-soprano   accompaniment reduced for keyboard
selected and edited by David Fanning ; singing translations by Martin Pickard
Published: London : Peters, c2004
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Table of Contents: Read more
Ruslan and Lyudmila. Dream divine, enchanting sight! Glinka
Ruslan and Lyudmila. Ah, she brings joy Glinka
Rusalka. Days of love and fond affection Dargomyzhsky
Prince Igor. Night is falling now Borodin
Boris Godunov. Go, Ruzya Musorgsky
Khovanshchina. Forces of prophecy Musorgsky
Khovanshchina. Through the marshes she made her way Musorgsky
Yevgeny Onegin. Ah, Tanya, Tanya Tchaikovsky
The maid of Orleans. Farewell, dear land, familiar fields and meadows Tchaikovsky
The queen of spades. My friends, take heed of me Tchaikovsky
The queen of spades. That's enough now! Tchaikovsky
The snow maiden. Says the rain-cloud to the thunder one day Rimsky-Korsakov
Sadko. All through this night Rimsky-Korsakov
Kashchey the deathless. The potion is prepared Rimsky-Korsakov
Dream on the Volga. Sleep, my darling dear Arensky
Not love alone. Through the leafy forest Shchedrin
Ruslan and Lyudmila. Dream divine, enchanting sight! Glinka
Ruslan and Lyudmila. Ah, she brings joy Glinka
Rusalka. Days of love and fond affection Dargomyzhsky

Music score

Music score
selected and edited by David Fanning ; singing translations by Alexander Wells
Published: London : Peters, c2004
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Table of Contents: Read more
Askold's grave. Soft! a gentle zephyr goes Verstovsky
A life for the Tsar. Brothers in arms Glinka
Ruslan and Lyudmila. In a distant land Glinka
Rusalka. Here all things remind me of days gone forever Dargomyzhsky
Prince Igor. Ah! Hear my call! Borodin
Boris Godunov. Weep, my eyes, with bitter tears flowing Musorgsky
The fair at Sorochintsy. Ah, why, my heart, with such sorrow laden? Musorgsky
Yevgeny Onegin. I love you, I love you, Olga Tchaikovsky
Yevgeny Onegin. Farewell, farewell, o springtime all too fleeting Tchaikovsky
Mazeppa. Where battle rages, and honour calls me Tchaikovsky
The queen of spades. Once I could march towards my goal Tchaikovsky
The queen of spades. What is our life? Tchaikovsky
May night. Sleep, my love Rimsky-Korsakov
The snow maiden. How rich, how wondrous rich Rimsky-Korsakov
The snow maiden. The glorious day is going Rimsky-Korsakov
Sadko. Dark the oak-trees in the wildwood growing! Rimsky-Korsakov
Sadko. Unnumbered diamonds Rimsky-Korsakov
The Tsar's bride. Calm now the angry sky Rimsky-Korsakov
The Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District. Cousin Masha makes me laugh Shostakovich
Askold's grave. Soft! a gentle zephyr goes Verstovsky
A life for the Tsar. Brothers in arms Glinka
Ruslan and Lyudmila. In a distant land Glinka


Vadim Prokhorov
Published: Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2002
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Music score

Music score
А. Варламов = A. Varlamov
Published: Москва : Музыка, 2004
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Горные вершины
Ах ты, время, времечко
Что мне жить и тужить!
Где тыз, вездочка?
Оседпаю коня
Что ты рано, травушка, пожелтела
Внутренняя музыка
На заре ты ее не буди
Ты скоро меня позабудшь
О, не челуй меня!
Для чего летишь, соловушка, к садам
Белеет парус одинокий
Взволнуют море непогоды
Ты не пой, соловей
Горные вершины
Ах ты, время, времечко