

edited by Anne Danielsen
Published: Farnham ; Burlington : Ashgate, c2010
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Table of Contents: Read more
Here, there and everywhere : three accounts of pulse in D'Angelo's 'Left and right' Anne Danielsen
Microtiming and rhythmic structure in clave-based music : a quantitative study Ives Chor
Simultaneous rhythmic events with different schematic affiliations : microtiming and dynamic attending in two contemporary R&B grooves Kristoffer Carlsen and Maria A.G. Witek
The concept of rhythmic tolerance : examining flexible grooves in Scandinavian folk fiddling Mats Johansson
Timbral relationships and microrhythmic tension : shaping the groove experience through sound Kristoffer Yddal Bjerke
Rhythm/body/motion : tricky's contradictory dance music Eric F. Clarke
Moved by the groove : bass drum sounds and body movements in electronic dance music Hans T. Zeiner-Henriksen
Slave to the supradiegetic rhythm : a microrhythmic analysis of creaky voice in Sia's 'Breathe me' Serge Lacasse
Opaque mediation : the cut-and-paste groove in DJ Food's 'Break' Ragnhild Brøvig-Hanssen
Microsampling : from Akufen's microhouse to Todd Edwards and the sound of UK garage Paul Harkins
Real and unreal performances : the interaction of recording technology and rock drum kit performance Simon Zagorski-Thomas
Composing a performance : the analogue experience in the age of digital (re)production Tellef Kvifte
Here, there and everywhere : three accounts of pulse in D'Angelo's 'Left and right' Anne Danielsen
Microtiming and rhythmic structure in clave-based music : a quantitative study Ives Chor
Simultaneous rhythmic events with different schematic affiliations : microtiming and dynamic attending in two contemporary R&B grooves Kristoffer Carlsen and Maria A.G. Witek